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The experience you need to get the most for your home.
Recent Sales

Southgate Place, Statesboro, GA 30458

Ogeechee Drive, Statesboro, GA 30461

Dogwood Drive, Sylvania, GA 30467

Florence Avenue, Statesboro, GA 30458

Williams Road, Statesboro, GA 30461

Magnolia Place, Statesboro, GA 30461
Vested in the success of our community

“I’ve been blessed to have brokered most major developments that have occurred in Statesboro over the last 28 years. Statesboro Crossing (home to TJ Max, Petco and Hobby Lobby) was the first major successful big box retail development in almost 30 years. Walmart’s expansion into the Market District (Statesboro’s next Retail Market) helped the overall success of the medical, services and retail markets along Fair Road and has introduced many national, regional and local businesses to the area. I’ve enjoyed some larger projects but especially enjoy making friendships with all customers who genuinely desire representation that will make a difference on their properties, large and small.”
Recent Projects

Statesboro Crossing
Home to TJ Maxx, Petco and Hobby Lobby, ULTA. This development was the first major successful big box retail development in almost 30 years.

Expansion of WalMart into the Market District
This expansion helped the overall success of the medical, services and retail markets along Fair Road and has introduced many national, regional and local businesses to the area.

Aldi Grocery Store
The addition of this grocery store in Statesboro Crossing shopping center will not only help surrounding businesses, but will also help provide the resources needed to help Statesboro grow. Being able to take part in the process of adding an affordable, easily accessible grocery store the the area is a huge blessing.

Mailing Address:
112 Savannah Avenue
Statesboro, GA 30458
Physical Address:
124 Savannah Ave. Suite 2 E
Statesboro, GA 30458